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We’re speed drawing Pokémon gen one starters on this week’s episode. But it’s all from memory. Please don’t let us disgrace our childhoods too badly.

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Enlightenment says:

Pokemon died after the 1gen and so did my childhood,. so sad. 

Smosh 2nd Channel says:

Help us decide whose drawings are better. Let us know in the comments.

Penelope S says:

bulbasaur comes first…

Jasmine Skinner says:

if you are a bored person looking through the comments try this:

if you are a pokemon fan, list 27 pokemon other than pikachu, charmander,
squirtle, bulbasaur, charizard and lucario. good luck :3 and the pokemon
you list can not all be from the same generation (for exampal: you cant
list all generation 1 pokemon)

Flipsider Films says:

I recently just released the final video in my trilogy of live-action
pokemon movie trailers. It was a project that spanned three years and
people seem to be really enjoying it, so I was hoping that some people here
may enjoy it as well :)

Abby Krause says:

My 1000 broken hearts for Kalel and Anthony.

MrDominator824 says:

Anthony you were actually right. It is a cartoon. Anime is japanese for
cartoon. They call spongebob an anime. But stupid weeaboos will try to
argue that its an anime when youre speaking english instead of a cartoon

Platonic Purple Panda says:

Bonus points goes to the guy who drew the Squirtle Squad sunglasses. 

Rosella The Gamer says:

I’m with you, I am a generation 1 person. Generation 1 is THE best
generation ever of all pokemon, NO pokemon can beat it because its the
ORIGINAL not different looking copies like they did in some of the other
generations. (I like the others too but pokemon G1 IS THE BEST!)

Manganime says:

Draw Mario, Toad, Bowser, and Peach.

Markuss Lama says:

Why do people keep on whining on the INTERNET about how the new gens are
SHIT?! I don’t like pokemon at ALL! You see me whining about it? NO! YOU
DON’T! But you do still have your freedom of speech, so who am I to say
what you shouldn’t do? Just keep doing what you’re doing, I don’t even care
of you faggots….. Have a nice day, actually have a nice day if you aren’t
the people that I mentioned in this comment. Goodbye 

Limaryis Herrera says:

Ian your pikachu looks like noodles from Oishi high school battle

Sebastian Michaelis says:

draw some anime charactrers from Attack on Titan 😀 (Levi, Eren, Mikasa,
Hanji, Marco, Jean)

Danica Younghusband says:

GENERATION ONE IS THE BEST! Really don’t like all the new pokemon

Isabel Brown says:

I ans Squirtle looks like a duck and turtle together

Gabynez NeGron says:


GumDropLolipopXD says:

does anyone know the sing when they speed draw?

HD Gert says:

Pikachu tail like faze clan logo(what anthony draw)

Ana Ramos says:

When I saw ian’s bulbasaur drawing I said it looked like a bathtub with an
incredible amout of spaghetti, and then, I hear Anthony saying that. My
reaction: OMG WHAAAAAT? xD ahahah

Jacob Azar says:

I love gen one i only play pokemon yellow, purple ,red , and blue they are
the best and i belive that lately pokemon seems different

MAX DERP says:

whats the music that plays when thy’re drawing?

Amy Leigh says:

Sease Oners

Bokune9999 says:

i have 3 suggestions for what pokemon you can draw… spinda… shedinja… and
unown… with spinda and unown you just can’t be wrong since every one is
different… of and spinda and shedinja are my 2 favorite pokemon… SO YOU

Weetile Ate A Yoshi says:

Barny had sex with a penguin.

fluffykins27 says:

Do Attack on Titan

zig zag Mad says:

Gen 1? HAH!!! Gen 2 for life bitch!

Foxy says:

there are too many gen 1 fans. guys its flawed more than any gen you just
have nostalgia glasses on and just thinking ”gen 1? WAY BETTER THAN THE

Goblin Extreme says:

▂▄▅ /▌ /▌ /▌ /▌ ██▅▃▂ World War lll has begun! Help Bob in the war
I███████████████████] against Google+! Copy & Paste
YouTube is not lost, together we can change it!

Justa Wolf says:

speed draw Frozen!!!

Kitty the Conquerer says:

You both are a disgrace to art. No offense. If you drew with pencil they
could of came out better

janelle owen says:

Anthony obviously won ian is a
bread head Anthony has rock hard abs

Som Chang says:

Your pikachus are horrible but mine is firetrucking full of awesomeness

Faaiz Zulintiqam says:

Charmander: Anthony
Squirtle: Ian
Bulbasaur: Anthony
Pikachu: Anthony


Daniel Kuykendall says:

I just realized that this video was put out on my birthday 

kevin teixeira says:

anthonny won evry one ian sucked as hell bro ian you shoud go yo art class

Julian Elizarraraz says:

Lol…Ian’s charmander’s feet

meglyn says:

DONT you discrace pokemon I’m a total nerd for it I have over one thousand

Brandon Castillo says:

Ian did not win

Sophia Stroud says:

count how many times Anthony puts his face in his drawings

Tony Hak says:

Yeaa…. This made my day

Nathan Gerkrath says:

Go gen 1 gen 1 is the best ( pokemon )

snowleopardpawz says:

i say Anthony won

Tech Player says:

Ian’s Chamander looks like Barny

Alyssa Vazquez says:

Do the Pokemon from diamond! <3

Jalen Lam says:

like if u r watching in 2015 !

Headshotz says:

Anthony wins with 3 out of 3

GamerGirlPlaysForever13006 :D says:

Anthony won on them all XD

Some Random Youtuber says:

I srs wanna throw Ian out of Mai window for dat Pikachu xD

bacon blast says:

Ok I will list 27 pokemon: mankey,treecko, 2nd gen:torchic,mewtwo, 1st
gen:pidgey,charmeleon,4th gen: Dialga,5th gen: snivy, 6th gen: Yveltal.


No effense but i think its anthony 

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