How to Draw Eyes 5 Ways

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Sierra Aiken says:

I just thought up something… Drawing isn’t about tutorials or
step-by-step processes. It’s about imagination and saying “Hey, that might
look good.” Drawing isn’t just about pencil-to-paper hand movements, but
it’s about inspiration and putting your thoughts down on paper… Need more
I N S P I R A T I O N ? Here:

D is for Duration. It doesn’t matter how long it takes.
R is for Realistic. If you want to, make it sham, like a bunch of rubber
A is for Art. You don’t have to make it pretty.
W is for Work. You put in lots; now make it witty.
I is for Imagine. For sure, anything is possible.
N is for Now. Don’t wait, just grab a pencil!
G is for Great. If you practice, you can do it. Just give it all you’ve
got! Drawing is something you sure can’t just give up.

Mike, The Almighty Gengar says:

Is it a sad thing that I paused for a sec, and as soon as I unpaused my
computer it was REALLY loud and I had a heart attack.
Good video though, helps me practice with eyes.

Emy Tooker says:

I know this is really late, but I am still going to say this.
Thank you
Your videos had first inspired me when I was 10. 1 year later I came back
to these videos and learned how to draw this. I now can draw better then my
old stick figures, so thank you!

Sandra Moua says:

OMG I was drawing when doing this tutorial and I can actually draw anime

Voltage Vocaloid says:

Thanks a bunch!

Elma Mina says:

I know some people don’t care, some people even hate it, but I’m a muslim.
And the fact that it’s a sin to draw eyes ruined my entire life. I started
drawing at the age of 3, and that’s the time when my parents understood
that I’m gonna be a very good artist. They knew, ’cause I was able to draw
an almost perfect circle. Then they both introduced me to art. And through
time I got better and better and wanted to be the best, but one day, my
life got crashed. I found out that it’s a sin when people draw eyes. My mom
found it out. She said that when we die, God’s gonna tell us to bring the
character we drew to life, and we can’t do that, so it’s a sin. It doesn’t
stand only for muslims, it’s for all of you, including me. My life is
ruined, i keep drawing only the lashes of the eyes, just beacouse it’ll
look prettier. I’m sorry if I ruined your lives too. I just wanted to share
my pain.

Alyssa Takasumi says:

could you teach us how to color brightly with colored pencils? maybe
recommend some brands…? im a beginner and i wish to draw like you someday

pikagirl98 says:

This was really helpful even if i used my right hand! Thank you so much
this was a great tutorial.

Prince Randomlemons says:

I am in love with you! Your great at art! Makes me hate my art even
more…. definately subbing! Thanks for the tips! My eyes on my videos have
no pupils and are relatively blank. I hate that. But, can’t really draw
eyes to begin with. Also, using a mouse to draw is hard! But, I got used to
it. I am actually better with a mouse than an actual pensil! Crap can’t
spell! I don’t have auto correct! Damn you internet!

SirCthulhu says:

The eyes and hair are a pain in the butt for me
I am a beginner btw

ActuallyOtaku says:

What brand of pencils are those? I’ve been trying to find them for a while.

Miss Cupcake says:

For about 2 years now a group in my school called ‘The Anime
Artists/Lovers’ have been making fun of my drawings.Sometimes I would steal
some of their drawings & try to copy them but none of my art skills
increased.My friends also judge my drawings because they are skilled
artists (only 1 of them are in TAAL).I’ve then watched videos of how to
draw but most videos just made The Anime Artists make fun of me more.But
this video is AMAZING!! This video might make me a part of the group (I
haven’t shown the drawing the leader of the group yet)! But one of the
members approved.Hopefully my would get more skilled!!

Joyce Shi says:

Notice that she is a lefty and draws the left eye.

Marcus Krick says:

OMG Baylee you are AMAZING no MARVELOUS!!! Please I need some tips and
advice about drawing please!!!! Kik me at marcuskrick73 no caps or
spaces…………. Thank you

Sauved McGee says:

I was I was left handed. It has its perks. All good artist are left
handed…I literally cried once because I was not left handed.

SnivyGirl says:

Oh my arceus, this helped me alot! Im terriable at drawing eyes but this
made me proud of my drawings, thanks a million! <3 

Crabby Cool says:

Can you animate a video with something like this?…

Baylee Ferrell says:

You have my name! Nice drawing too!

AZR 1011 says:

And you should draw a good thing for your profile picture

Shen Flanegin says:

I really like the “evil” eye

Ethan McGeough says:

Im so bad i cant draw a ovel

Kattz Elliott says:

Thank You!!! Im 10 years old and in my opinion, I think I made amazing
eyes! Thank you SOOO MUCH!

lulu amoon says:

my hands shake alot and my hand is heavy at drawing ;-; i just hate it i
want to draw like clear lines and good shapes

Jm Santiago says:

For those who almost want to give up drawing, dont because drawing isnt
just a talent since your born , its a skill that you work hard to be good
on. I think drawing is a way to express your own world and deep
imaginations through pictures you make.

Виталий Сталин says:

thanks for posting this video as i see you are left-handed… and it ain’t
easy to draw like that right?
but anyways keep posting useful videos like this :)

Kerston Clodfelter says:

The third female one when it starts out looks like L’s eyeshape….you’ll
understand if you have watched DeathNote

林半壁江山 says:

Some girls here are just jealous that she draws better than them

Anime King says:

the power of The Left Hand

Courtney Cocker says:

Absolutely amazing video thanks i can know draw pretty good manga eyes

Artcraft says:

the 3 erd girl eye looks the best but the 1 st boy eye looks the easyest

TheBlast4300 says:

Little later I know, but just wanted to say u earned a sub

Octalblock says:

The drawing was nice and I noticed you’re left handed! Impressive!

amanda thorderson says:

Phew, im not the only one who pronounces “Manga” that way! >.<

Jazmine Miller says:

These came out so well!! I’ve always had a difficult time doing eyes and
this helped a lot!! Do you have a video on how to get them similar or even?

Beautyby Grace says:

She is annoying 

Louisa Duggan says:

Thank you baylee, this was so helpful!!!

abbey chinn says:

what pencil do you use :3 

Rebecca Balesdent says:

YA SAS LEFTIE YASS ANIME GAME STRONG!!!! (sorry I am a an lefties so I’m
obsessed with left anything hehe)

Kristen Getzlaff says:

Omg your left handed and you draw so nice omg you are awsome

Dyna Ramos says:

Thank you madam now my eyes is awesome

Allen Avadonia says:

I used to draw every day until I saw my friend’s drawings. She had only
been drawing for about 7 months or so, but she could draw practically
anything that had to do with manga or anime. After seeing those, I nearly
gave up drawing completely; only drawing once or twice, maybe none at all,
per week. This tutorial, and many of your other videos really helped me
gain confidence after that. Thank you so much! :3

Ingry Mazon says:


Eman Samie says:

the last one is my fav

C Haskill says:

best eye tutorial ive seen in a while !! thank you

Crysis Fantal says:

I feel sad like why am i sitting here watching you draw and i cant call you
to teach me face to face!

axel tiburcio says:

that is SO KAWAI!!!!!!

GamerGirl Nina says:

Im able to draw the head and hair when im drawing an anime character but
never the eyes.i can finally finish off all the blank faces xD

Crabby Cool says:

Good work :)

Dakota Dragneel says:

this tutorial was very helpful because im drawing eyes so i can look back
to see what eyes i want to choose usually i just imagine an eye and use
that ( not trying to brag ) but my eyes usually come out very good looking
but i just had this bad case of the brain farts and my imagination has just
been recentky turned off so this helped me alot

briana spradlin says:

The eyes are really cool and i can’t draw them! I can’t even draw a oval.
When i try to draw an oval it turns out looking like a square.

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