How To Draw Caricatures – Best Way on Youtube – Learn Quickly!!!!

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Want to draw like me? Check out my lessons here:

My name is Graeme Biddle, I am a highly successful caricature artist with over 30 years experience and I would like to share with you my secrets that I am about to take with me into retirement. Once I am out of the market and relaxing on a beach somewhere, ALL MY SECRETS will be retired with me.

Lessons Here:

I have made a tremendous career out of knowing how to draw caricatures for over 30 years and I have been paid very richly for something that has been fun and easy to do. It has amazed me just how many secret markets for this sort of work I have had to myself. So since I am about to be off the scene for good, I thought it might be a worthy idea to pass on my TRADE SECRETS, so some other up and coming artists like yourself could benefit from all my hard-earned wisdom, tips, tricks and techniques.

Anyone Can learn:


Bite Sized Shows says:

I can’t stand the breathing and mouth noises this guy is making.

Santosh Ogilvy says:

which kind of drawing instrument is he using?

Melissa Swingle says:

Does anyone know what kind of pen this guy’s using?

Matthew Boutros says:

– You skipped large portions of the drawing
– Instead of teaching anything, you basically describe what we were seeing
like some radio program
– You didn’t even show the subject till the very end?
This is not the best way on Youtube, it’s not even in the top 100 – please
don’t use these ridiculous click baiting video titles when they are
obviously untrue. It’s a free video, so thanks for posting – but I won’t be
checking out the lessons.

Nathan Trujillo says:

Feel like I’m watching golf. Great video, I learned something! Thanks a

Katria Braxton says:

Gonna get this pic done lickity split! Interesting technique.

Markus Hagedorn says:

I’m sorry, but this video doesn’t help me any more than if I just looked at
the finished caricature. False advertising

Maria Van Der Velden says:

kei mooi maar mijn lukt het niet………

laughingskeleton says:

Sorry, but the pic doesn’t really look much like the guy.
Guess you’ll be taking your precious secrets with you into retirement..

Tristan A. says:

Everyone that is complaining about the licking finger thing seriously needs
to stop b*******… It’s not that big of a deal. 

Wayne Savage says:

You need to learn to draw them before you can teach how to do it! 

Mark B. says:

Bought the ebook. Great and easy to follow.

Aimee Sheppard Katie Ennis says:

Video would have been better without commentary 🙂 What pens do you use?

Marisa Kos says:

What are the other videos called? Where do we get the manual? What is it

Roberto Carreon says:

The licking is sooo unsanitary and it compelled me to immediately cease
viewing. The afterthought left me feeling so gross, it then compelled me
to come back and post my disgust. All your efforts to promote your product
are undermined with this one video. 

Prakash S says:

Mr.Licker..keep a wet sponge instead .. !! 

Prakash S says:

is that the best way to draw ?? by lickin ??

Alesia and Beth says:

a pen i think 🙂

Marlon LeBlanc says:

¡Ellos están atroz!

Justemon says:

This is kind of like a golf commentary but with drawing

uncoollike says:

This made my day

Carmelita Cornelius says:

which kind of drawing instrument is he using?

monspubis says:

please don’t lick you hand to smudge. its disgusting.

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