How to draw a funny cartoon character by Maxi

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Thats my first vidieo so there is no music. Sorry.


Sabrina Padilla says:

Soooooo… Fuck off

Ben Dias Broughton says:

Forget about all this swearing below me your a good guy and amazing drawer
noone can be a better cartoonist than you 🙂 🙂 :)

Beatriz Araujo says:

eu sou do brasil se você me entender eu dezenho um pouco melhor do que você.
quero fazer um desafio QUEM DESENHA MAIS.tchau nada contra.

charlie bailes says:

Wow This Is Good! Keep Up The Good Work! It’s A Very Good Drawing!

matthew murphy says:

Can u talk?? lol

Miriam Van Der Hek says:

Ha gay this video

PanSemtexOuJea says:

You don´t draw 

Karol Sandoval says:

Ese marcador no es para dibujar porque es grueso piensa y comprate un bic o
un sharpie o un oficce pro un delgado ve los videos de cholowiz para que
bes quien dibuja mejor y te quedo super checo que horrible y una cosa deja
ya de derramar suag jajajajajaiaiaiaiaiaiiaika
estupidopendejosueltasuagxdlolputo channnnnn channnnnnn channnnnnnnnn

Ultimate Shiny Hunterz says:

I dont get it, why is there so much hate, i been seeing comments like
“Sooooo… Fuck off” “Ha gay this video” “GAYYYYYYYYYYY” and “No offence
but your drawings are shit mate!” like wtf? its his first video, and i
personally like his drawing… i find it very cute! so if your going to
fucking hate on his drawing go fuck your self, what if he was your child
and you yell at him saying “YOUR DRAWINGS SUCK AND YOU SHOULD FEEL BAD”?!
if he was your child i know for a *FACT* you would never say that

Erica Briggs says:

Love the drawing

Karol Sandoval says:

Ese marcador no es para dibujar porque es grueso piensa y comprate un bic o
un sharpie o un oficce pro un delgado ve los videos de cholowiz para que
bes quien dibuja mejor y te quedo super checo que horrible y una cosa deja
ya de derramar suag jajajajajaiaiaiaiaiaiiaika
estupidopendejosueltasuagxdlolputo channnnnn channnnnnn channnnnnnnnn

Coby Jackson Kennedy says:

thx this is awesome 

ThatOneGamer205 Gaming Channel says:

i did this without even watching the vid in exactly 1 minute

Ali Davidson says:

No offence but your drawings are shit mate!

Kimberly Nicole says:

What the fuck is that supposed to be

Oquey says:

He didnt speak?! :P

Joel Contreras says:


Renee May says:

spray can stopid ass

CreeperCrew Productions says:

so complicated

Josh Parastschenko says:

by Maxi? More like by Maxi Pad!!

Jordanna Gover says:

Ahaha, I’m reading the comments and I feel the love (:

Great work kid, keep it up. (Thought I’d give ya some love)

Nah but being honest, it wasn’t the greatest : 

wolfiee08 says:

Hey do u want an intro just msg me 

Learn2Draw says:

Nice cartoon character I like how it came out.

AmazingEllie! !! says:

The best picture i have ever seen

George Beast says:

That was rubbish draw your mum loll

Pablo Gonzalez says:

Stupid charachte -.-

Karol Sandoval says:

A mi hermano de 5 le quedo mejor que a los maxi hermanos

Adrian Sundberg says:

KJcrafter3 says:

wtf maxi

Thomas Wilson says:


Karol Sandoval says:

Te lorepeti para que no te olvides gayyyyyyyyyy focamorzamaxi

Jeroen Stegeman says:

Can you talk or what, and you can`t draw. ¤

Jake Brown says:

Shut up your just jealous of this dude because you can’t write an can’t
draw don’t listen them max, I love the drawing.keep up the good work

BlueAquaGaming says:

Just talk fagg

Arjun Sehgal says:

can you talk?

krishis says:


jordane harty says:

you might wannah sort your handwriting out 😀 but the drawing was good

allesvan Willemijn says:

This so easy

Theo Hurley says:


Bizcut Jones says:


Tara Madden says:

yo stop HATIN he’s wat better then all of your

leila zelassi says:

it’s not difficult

tomas faial says:

put some music beind :)

tyresha kelly says:

i love your drawing max don’t listen to the stupid people who wright mean
comments there just jealous of how talented u are keep on drawing max
because u are a very talented young man!!! 😀 :D

Karol Sandoval says:

Que es eso no sabes dibujar 

Mercy Lynx says:

I aint Subbing with that HANDWRITING….. SmH…

John Carlo Alegre says:

nice drawing kuya max
^_^ its so cute

Edgar Meppelink says:

guys cmon cant u see hes retarded?

Maria Sanchez says:

Can you talk

Danny Farquhar says:


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