How To Draw A Fairy

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Cupcake Princess says:

so awesome it came out so good!

Linda Fordham says:

What an awesome daddy you are!

Βασιλίνα Παπαδημητρίου says:

so cute!!! I like it very much!Good job ^_^

Patrick Simon says:

And she she does great drawings try to get all 4 in each video Hads you
Chucker and Austin 

Delaney Watson says:

you helped me draw better

Patrick Simon says:

She is so cute and funny how she says can you help me? In that little voice

Delaney Watson says:

you are the best drawler ever

Judy Murillo says:

My son and I really enjoyed watching this! Y’all make a great team! Loved
Had’s fairy.

Sparkbloom MSP says:

Lol Your really good at drawing the kids drawings are so cute These video’s
are qorth watching keep up the great work! :)

Alexa Earl says:

Even thought I am not a ‘”younger artist” I enjoy the cute drawings

Kassidy Johnson says:

Awesome drawing and she’s so cute your both a great drawer!!!! <3

Juniper Komives says:

Hads needs to do more videos

Ainhoa Fernández Moreira says:

She is sooooooooo nice!!!!!!!!

Lauren Kelly says:

this is for very little kids. (aka babes)

Priscilla McKinney says:


Scarlett Sky says:


Taylor J says:

That is an awesome fairy drawing! I will teach my siblings!

Rosa Ortega says:


sara meghu says:

amazing video

Art for Kids Hub says:

Thanks we have fun 🙂 !

Art for Kids Hub says:

Thanks so much!

Rosa Ortega says:

And that so sweet of u teaching other children how to draw and helping

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