How to Draw a Dragon Eye

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How to draw a Dragon Eye.
Hey everyone! Here’s another “How to” video, about drawing a dragon’s eye. Inspired by Smaug. It was quite a challenge, and took about 3 hours.
I really hope this video is helpful in some way. Please let me know what you think.
Free Drawing Download:

I used: Pentel P207 0.7mm mechanical pencil, with HB leads. A regular 6B pencil. And an eraser.

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I post regular videos to YouTube of my fan-art paintings and speed drawings in a time-lapse format.

Worked on a “How to” drawing video, featuring a dragon eye.
A time lapse of a dragon eye drawing. Teaching people about realism in drawing. And hoping to give more information about how to draw the eyes of a dragon. I really hope this tutorial / guide is useful.

Make sure to Subscribe if you enjoy speed drawing, painting and other artwork videos!

I own all the rights to the content in this video.

Music used: Dystopia by Per Kiilstofte
Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International

Music used: Cloister of Redemption by Jens Kiilstofte
Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International

Thanks for watching! 🙂


LethalChris Drawing says:

Hi everyone! Here’s another “How to draw” video – featuring a dragon’s eye!
I really hope this is helpful. Please let me know what you think. 🙂
Thanks again for the incredible support!

James Delchar says:

Holy crap this is superb! I love seeing these drawings slowly go from basic
outlines (aka my skill level) to these finished pieces.

Shyyy Triess says:

What pencil are you using to get such a dark tone?

Killua Zoldyck says:

I love it ! it looks like smaugs eyes and would you do a tutorial on how to
make realistic dragon wings? (flying) PS: it helped me a lot when i was
trying to draw smaug :D

lemuel pabustan says:

Is that Smaug’s eye?

Husam Rajeh says:

That was on my birthday thanks and I like the video and its more to be
realistic…… 95%

Denis Díaz says:

You’re amazing!
Sub!! Your art it’s wonderful and reaaaaaaaaaaaally nice!

OhSnapsItsRae says:

thats amazing i wish i could draw like that you have great talent 

Benny Rosario says:

It doesnt have any details…
HAHAHAHA just kidding looks awesome I gave a like :)

Scarletfire 326 says:

Gosh this is amazing, subbed, and just….wow

Zuriel Garcia says:

Was that just a regular led pencil? And amazing eye!!! 

Adrian Ajax says:

Like snowflakes and human personality’s no ones art is the same. 

Ed Tyree Oakenshield says:

I really like your video, the fact that you explain it, and said the time
that it takes and of course the drawing itself.

rebecca lps says:

im not light at drawing :/

Nicolas Savard says:

awsome love it

Hai Anh Nguyen says:

You have a real talent, Chris!

anonymous 123 says:

awesome it looks soo realistic!!! your very goo with getting the contrast
right!(and the proportions)KEEP IT UP!!!!!

gabumonlol says:

I love talented peoples work 😉 I better get practicing….

Andrew Meier says:

Can you do a dragon next

Christian Polzin says:

How do you draw that it’s amazing man you should be proud of your self

Axeptic says:

what kind off pencil are u using pls let me know i love your drawing it is
1 of the best for me pls let me know PS: love your videos i give likees and
subscribed u :)

Calvin Kinnoo says:

I am Fire!! I am Death!

Alex Ledesma says:

What kinda pencil are you using

4gr8kidz says:

That is insane crazy good!!!!!! WOW

BlueStarAnimations says:

Thank u for this my dragon eyes were basic and your drawing are way better
than the others

carlos Miller Gómez says:

Can draw mi a f-15e strike Eagle/f-15c Eagle / f-14a tomcat f-15d Eagle
f-22 Raptor

Brandon Penafiel says:

i love that drawing

oscar adam says:

I love it it’s so detailed and it’s really easy to draw

Essi Heinonen says:

I can say just WOW

Oquey says:

OMG THAT WAS AWESOME!!!!! I don’t get how people can do that!

Fernando M says:

How to draw a dragon guide…NEKMINIT, this guy goes 1000 miles per
second….good to know your a good artist but you didn’t execute the
purpose of your video 

SelluLiitti Pelailee says:

That eye is AWESOME!!! 

Andrew Meier says:

just flawless

Sur adj says:

Dude, you are amazing! Keep up the good job :)

Kyra Brady says:

That was amazing but the only thing is is I skipped around the video

Samantha Becker says:

great video, and drawing! I had to draw one for myself!

Cara Lewis says:

you are soooo good at drawing!!

Kylie Jacobson says:

It may have taken more than three hours… BUT IT WAS TOTALLY WORTH IT!!!
You have a real talent. I watched this three times already! Keep up the
good work!

Uta Kuro says:

This is so freaking awesome. I myself love dragons, since they’re all I’ve
ever really considered myself good at drawing, but one thing I could never
get quite right were the eyes….This video helped a ton. Totally
subscribing~ You’re awesome!

James Andino says:

Sick. Nice drawing 

Kevin Jones says:

Nice… do u have videos where they in regular speed and not fast pace?
Just curious… Love the work man real talk 

EvilSmasherHD says:

This looks sooo cool :O
the veins make it look god damn badass :D

Raul Malik says:

Please send me one

Diamondstars says:

I tried it and it looks awesome cool! Plesse more like that! 

Thunder 35 says:

I am in love with your precision and detail. Incredible!
Here, have a sub. :D

Oquey says:

WHAT PEN DID U USE PLZ ANSWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

linda Vanclee says:

make more videos of drawing aub

Vriska Serket says:

Holy crap that is amazing

Dalek348 says:

this doesn’t even look like a drawing it looks like someone took a black
and white picture of Smaugs eye!

nora majors says:

thats one of the most bossome things i have ever seen!!!!!!!!!!

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