How to draw a cat face

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Here it is! The Greatly requested “Cat Face” video. I provide two different ways for draw a cat face in this video, easy and a bit challenging. This is a great video for the beginning artist as well as seasoned artists! Enjoy!


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Whitewolf 12™ says:

Thank You sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!!!! This really helped me.
Totally subscribing!

DianaCrafter_18 AJ says:

As 10 year old girl I’m gonna do the hard… but if your saying *hey you
can’t draw as good like that* well yes I can also! I’m gonna pose mine so
you can see it on face book!
Btw nice!

darkartwolf99 says:

markcrilley vs artalacarte, up-vote for them to, down-vote for not

Ember Silverstorm says:

I’m better at more of an anime style,but I like your style.

Marty The-Epic says:

Someone stole your video, and used it as theirs, without asking or giving
you credit…

skylar lewis says:

Nice, looks like warrior cats. But, I liked the eyes and muzzle a little
bit higher up than that, plus I think the camera was on a slant or
something. My cat is short/medium furred, not quite sure, I think a mixture
of the two. But his eyes and muzzle are higher up. 

Irina Usmangalieva says:

You know i am 10 years old i did tryed the hard one did it but not pefectly
i put a like and subscibed really helps i will try practising!!

Sofia Liddle says:

Thank you so much for this tutorial. I’ve be trying to draw my cat’s face
realistically, but I was unsure how to.. This will really help me draw real
cat faces. Thank you for sharing. :D

Aparna Pancholi says:

thanks you really helped me and i can now draw one whenever

you just earned a sub

Myah Chase says:

wow! that looks like a cat head would be on the warrior book cover! i think
ill try the hard but i usually mess something up XD

Jacquelyn Neblett says:

TOO FAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hashmia Altamimi says:

I suck at drawing cats now i finaly can draw them thanks to U!!! Thank
you!!!! Art ala Carte youre awesome!!! I <3 youre vids!!

Mark Mondaini says:

very nice tutorials, wish they were in focus though

Brenna Hyatt says:

That was great so realistic and even though im 10 the hard version was
super easy peasy!!!;)

Karyn Colon says:

I’m 11 and I did the hard!!!

Jadyn Zieammermann says:

The hard was hard but I tried it!!!!

Sharon Driver says:

THIS IS AMAZING! I am a huge fan of warrior cats (and don’t forget
Hamtaro!) And these help me draw cats and hamtaros…? Anyway, it’s helped
me draw so much better because I have a habit of drawing by looking at
someone else’s picture, Now I just so these steps! Thank you, Valerie!

armando nunez says:

i am 8 and i love ur vidos

ps i am a gal

Venelina Chamoun says:

I totally suck at drawing cat faces but now i can do it thanks to your vids
I love them so much i watch about 20 every day I like your vids so much
thanks to you you helped me to make my drawings much more beautiful and
realistice thanks a lot 

Martha Morales says:


Karyn Colon says:

Can u draw a snake??

Celina Hargreaves says:

This cat is awesome it really helped me with the structure of my cat

Garry Rabu says:

I am a huge perfectionist when it comes to watching people draw or drawing
myself. So the whole I was watching this in my head I was going ‘no color
that it! fix the line!’ I am really weird..

Addison Conley says:

I have a very fat, fluffy cat, so it would be helpful if you could do a how
to video on how to draw one ( if you haven’t already). Thanks! 

Joyce Moises says:

How to draw 3D

Spencer Hughes says:

=D this helped a lot thanks! I showed my friends and teachers and they
loved it! i even drew a few more WITHOUT the video and i figured out how to
draw a kitten!! (i used the realistic cat =3) 

Duskshadow AJ says:

What do you use to record this?

Alaina Cebelak says:

The hard one is pretty easy a little while I am 11

fjori dautaj says:

By the way, what pencil do you use? Like, what product and texture? Thick,

CreeperCat says:

if you can and haven’t all ready draw a cat sitting but has his paws up to
bat something

cropdudia ibrahim says:

2 Days Until My Birthday :D


i love the desings you did on the hard way

LateNightKitty says:

My hard-cat version is not that good as urs but I’m really proud of my own

Richard Ellis says:

i watched all your vids please make i love them ;3

Addison Conley says:

Also, would a kneaded eraser work the same as a gum eraser? 

Lu Fo says:

I think you are the best teacher for 10 (or closer) years old. Im 10 years
old too.I love you!

Brightstar Of DragonClan says:

Awesome kitties! For a kitty/dragon obsessed girl, your videos are really

Leslie Mccoshan says:

omg i suck at this but illl try btw THIS CAT WAS AMAZING

fjori dautaj says:

Bravissimo! I love it! it looks like silver stream from warrior cats XD
Your amazing!

TheWarriorest Warrior says:

Is it just me, or is it really difficult just to draw a cats, dogs,
whatever’s paw?

Aimee Hughes says:

this is dumb

oreo gamer14 says:

The shades she did are called “values”

I learned last week with my art teacher 

Rose Does Minecraft says:

you are very talented thank you for posting this.

Elizabeth Smalser says:

Thank you, that was fun. 

Free Tibet says:

i love this video! i’m totally comfortable to draw cat now! thanx

Meng Chong says:

Hi, love your drawing! Thanks for sharing.

cat the dragon and steve says:

thanks alot Now this girl in school says shes the best drawer in the class,
but now I am
i subed too

Sharon Wright says:

Thank you so much for all these wonderful tutorials! You are such an
excellent teacher. Your explanations are so detailed and easy to
understand, Thank you for sharing.

BlackSixteen001 says:


Jasi Thompson says:

You are so talented!! I wish I was as talented as you and I hope I can be
someday. You go girl and keep doing these awesome videos!!

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