Drawing People on Chatroulette Part 3

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PLEASE rate and/or subscribe. These portraits were particularly fun because they ended up being really colorful!


-What’s the name of the song?
“Nobody Else But Me” by Kenny Dorham

–How long does it take you to draw?

Usually 5-15 minutes, and 30 minutes for really detailed colored stuff.

–What program do you use?

I use Adobe Photoshop CS2.

–What type of custom brushes do you use?Adonhis’ brushes.http://adonihs.deviantart.com/art/My-Brush-Pack-118954791

–What kind of tablet do you use?

I use a wacom graphire 4×6 tablet. You can buy one on amazon.

–What do you use to record videos?

I use many cam.

–How do you show your desktop on manycam?

Go to sources, then select custom desktop and select a region on your desktop.

–What do you use to record your videos?



Sean Mccormack says:

Can you draw me on chat roulette please I’ll message u whatever you need
please draw me :D

RockinM3TalF4nGirl says:

Do you save and keep the drawing of the people you chat with?

Taying Lo says:

Those MFers are lucky…….js.

B1zarro33 says:

1st one looked like Nico Bellic

TheSqints says:

Pretty cool man.

Javi Tormo says:


Чатрулет RU says:
ricardo griva says:

you`re very good.

andrew dimas says:


farinheit2celsius says:

Chat Roulette would be so fucking great if i t had more people like you
instead of perverts

Hy-chan says:

LOL i would take half an hour to draw a bad anime-like person xD

Leilaa Pellot says:

:O ur awwesome. Omg.

Smack45That says:

all i can say is wow!

Sachiana Daum says:

You’re extremely talented. c:

Chalzeeh says:

I must know of your Jazz music playlist, sir. :3

elSMEGMA says:


Dom's Sketch Cast says:

Uh huh. 😐

Aarone2004 says:

is wacom bamboo like the same?

fawkthescene666 says:


2coastercrazy says:

was the ‘she’ in your comment on purpose, because thats hilarious!

Teutonic Knight says:

wow 🙂

Grim Reaper says:

whos the person actually chatting with these people? one might ask

Youssef Sobhy says:

Keep up the good work sir. 🙂 you’re awesome

ExcuseMyMindlesTrick says:

Lol My Friend Does This xD

rachel dashiell says:

I live in maryland

May Brown says:

Wow! Do you think you could draw me? c:

09chicano says:

wow great man

Majin k says:

Which Program r u using is it ms paint or something else?

MyNameIsMeagan says:

stop being a dumb ass an read things, its in the description Nobody Else
But Me” by Kenny Dorham

drefozz says:


Renae O'Driscoll says:

You always make people look nicer than they really look. LOL! If it were me
i’d be happy about it though. So yeah, your drawings are amazing!

Dom's Sketch Cast says:

Girls are SO hard to find on chatroulette. 😐

Phearo Guille says:

Wish my tablet was fixed.

The Insane WolF says:

1:53 so long talks alot that guy the green

yankies1000 says:

nice man 🙂 and btw it’s belguim if you mean the country

gypsygamefreak617 says:

I love the freaking music

Jazzeddino says:

Wow, this just blew me away… I love the art just as much as the music. 😉
I wunder why I never meat such great and life changing people like you 😉

darkestjuggalo420 says:

you drew me about a week or so ago.

Siddharta Delarue says:

lol you look like you know it 😉

Gabriella G says:

I love it!! 🙂

Jason Laughlin says:

Just curious… how many dudes jerkin’ it have you drawn?

KaziPlays says:

Hi im a big fan and i wanted to ask what tablet for drawing is good for
begginers like i can take on the go when i travel? Please like so he can
see 🙂

rachel dashiell says:

(Read the messages)

Kommander Martinez says:

I love the Jazz music! Very nice, wish u could draw me, very talented!

N ko says:

dude this is badass

snowie Dcat says:

Wow your such a great artist keep up the good work 🙂

Yaoi47Queen says:

omg your soo right OA O

littleripper312 says:

aww, I wish I could get a drawing! It looks so good!

HeartStar1017 says:

haha nice comeback asshole shows wat u know

ALESSIO11 says:

wow good

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