How to draw a basic cat sitting

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Join us as we draw a cat sitting using basic shapes and gesturing.
Great for beginning artist. We take it step by step so you won’t miss


Ellie Snowmountain says:

Omg! Gives virtual hug That was a perrrfect video! (See what i did there
nudges) I am only 12, and i just finished reading Warrior Cats, book 1, and
i fell in love! I have always loved drawing (Although I have never been any
good) and when i finished the book i was like ‘I have to draw all of the
cats from the book’ so i did and….they looked kinda rubbish, so i went
online and serched how to draw a cat and found this video and (not to brag
of anything) but my drawing looked really good! I have seen a few other of
your videos and when i found out you have done quite a few horse ones i
almost screemed as horses are my fave animal and i have been riding for 4
(and a bit) years! God bless you and please reply, it would make my….well
i would say day but its 8:05 so….it will make my tomorrow! xD

מעין חמו says:

והינה את לצייר חתול!!! 

Lily Amour Lhomme says:

i tried but it turned out horible

Allie Reas says:

U just earned a subscriper

*Magic Life* - Official Page says:

I like ! Please draw cheetah

Little Miss Matched says:

I came over from Warrior Cats how to draw Firestar

Glacia The Wolf says:

I ca already draw, and i do use your tutorials for things i dont know how
to draw, though that was just a quick reference, now that im sitting down,
fallowing your steps, my drawings are already improving

Cookie_Monsta says:

This is such a good tutorial . i drew this exactly as you instructed and it
came out perfectly – no lie !
i love it , i love it ,i love it !!!!!!!!!!!

*Clicks Subscribe Button*

Monika Norvilaite says:

I liked it because you weren’t boring like others, you lought and it maked
me lough to and your drawing skills are more than perfect. I also liked
your pictures ^ _ ^ ♥

Nurul Ashikin says:

Lots of questions

1:Are you left handed drawer
2:Thanks for the video I won foe my art test
3:I’m a little confused about you drawing the hands and the legs

And thanks again, marshmallow♥♥♥

lolo almahry says:

I didn’t like the face.. i love how animals have no emotions in the face
but you can put emotions in them by the colour of their fur and the
environment around the background and put an effort to the EYES!!! eyes are
every thing to me..
Thanks for the video 😀 

InuyashaAJ says:

Thank you so much! I had to draw a warrior cat for my project and it’s due
tomorrow this was a great tutorial!! THANK YOU

Mommytomy says:

Thanks so much! this is awesome i have subbed ya

Danilo Augusto says:

Very good your work helped a lot XD

guruartist says:

Purrrrrfect!… stretching cat pls….Thank you!

TheAncientpyre says:

How can do you draw the big headed characters in Alice in Wnderland? The
classic ones I mean. 

Wild Cat the Insane Warrior says:

Verry helpful for a young artist as my self this helps a lot you most
likely get this a lot but I think your a really good artist

AdventureKittys says:

Cool!!! Just amazing!!! You are a VERY GOOD teacher!!!!

Maria R says:

i cant even do a circle bye

Cinnamon songs says:

Thank you! This really helped! I can draw Wolves and ponies, but never
cats! Thanks!

Aaliyah Nolan says:

Do you know how to draw warrior cats

hutchinb28 says:

I live your video so much I sucscribed you!

Zoe Cruzen says:

You really helped me thank you so much this is the best drawing I’ve ever

Jennifer Martin says:

I’m so bad at drawing

Maria Tau says:

wowwwww cool I tried it n I passed for my arts n culture

Kensey Devries says:

I’m sorry, you’r a great drawer and all, but to me, not to everyone, you’r
a sucky teacher. No offence! You are awesome at drawing

Olivia Moore says:

Thanks, it was really hopeful

Charles Milbourn says:

Nice work. Great tutorial. Thanks
Please check out my teaching video’s. Thanks

Riley Akin says:

Thus helped me so much I drew a warriors sandstorm 

Millie Bennett says:

Do a running one

Vienna Schulz says:

i can’t draw a circle and my usual drawing is with a mechanical pencil and
i draw on the paper to hard xD ill try to do better

Nina Hytönen says:

It was purrfect!

maria a says:

واو ماشاءالله

Daniel Marusenko says:

Wow just wow you are such a good drawer and a teacher ! *subscribed*

donccrosby says:

I watch this bid every day so that 1 day I will be as good as drawer as
you!!!!! 🙂 

Ana Solis says:

You draw AWSOME 

Mine Craft says:

can u plz make a vid about cats fighting and how to do the face for this
vid and the other one if thats not to hard 

Alaina Miller says:

Omg I like cats but it is hard drawing the giude circles : D

Duskshadow AJ says:

Hello! I’m a 9 year old that is very into drawing and I LOVE cats. I really
a lot. Thank you!

BlueFlame FireTalon says:

I am in the middle of Warriors:The New Prophesy and I wanted to draw
Sandstorm and so I looked up how to draw a cat and I guess God was watching
over me because I found this video. God bless you ( who ever drew this )!!!
Draw more!!!!!!!

{ Horses&Everything } says:

OMG i never could find the perfect stance on drawing cats my issue is the
face i can get the back and everything then i get to the face and im like
…………. Gosh darn it i can get the face right so i usally do it from
the back view i get most shapes of a cat from my cat luna and shes not
still for long so i take in the shapes fast and draw just the face gets
kinda hard!

Pauline Hache says:

Thank you!I can now draw the embodied cuteness!Mouahaha aooow **

thain brocklehurst says:

Watch a cat vid called the lady who loves cats it’s funny

Crystal Walls says:

I loved this video but it would make me supper happy if u would Draw a
zebra I just love love love them if u have an instagram I would really want
to share what I created thank you

Alayna Biro says:

Yep, subbed immediately after this video!!! It was so helpful! Also can you
please do a video on the cat’s face! Thanks!

Nytro Splasher says:

XD snowman falling

Tom Nguyen says:

cat u draw a siamese? please? and who the heck is rapunzel’s sister?!

shanimarissa says:

Hi Valerie! Thanks for making this great video … I used it to practice
drawing cats for my 2015 Drawing Challenge (day 2 in the bag!! Whoo-hoo).
I made a video of them if you want to see:
(p.s. YouTube will mark this as spam because it has a link)

Garfield Sammy says:

The perfect warrior cat

nicoleta84 says:

thx this hellped me draw a good body for my animal jam arctic wolf anime
styled u earned a sub by this ^^

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