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Great natural look! I did it and had people staring at me all day! Thanks
for the tip!
How did you get the permanent marker off????
For a second, I thought she posted this video on St. Patricks day 😀
did anyone else keep rewinding to the part when she cleans us in the
You have a third eyebrow like Shanaynay!
Thanks for doing this tutorial on eyebrowses! I could never get them to
look good before.
I had an interview for a new job as a manager with a well known company
(prada). I did mine a little thicker tho as I wanted to get a more
professional look.
I think it worked! They looked gobsmacked and said they’d be in touch!!
Great look! They look and feel so natural,too! I had people staring at me
all day!
Thank you , glozell I look beautifall know .
Love you glozell, your amazing at vids love your accent x
Lollll, love it!! You’re hilarious girl and keep doing your thing x
You are crazy lady use a mirror
It must of been hell getting that off
Omg That Is Perminent Marker Right O.O Seriously How Did You Get That Off
Tho Because At School I Draw A Line On My Nose And The Line Stayed There
For Week And Wow Really On Your Eyebrows On Your Face Tho I Will Never Do
That xD Love You
Much But As A Youtuber Fan Not As A Girlfriend But You Know Over And Out
Like You Allways Say At The End Of Your Vids By The Way I Subscribed 🙂
(Love You Glozell xoxoxoxoxo)
I don’t like it at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, i can go with that. Your right about kods eyebrows
Omg sharpie! Lol
ur eyebrows look a little mest up their
You are soooo funny.
I have never laughed so hard in my life 😀 You are amazing!
oh u have something difrent on ur face…. its like u burned half of it…
but i dont know what is it…
Do u know Ariana grande number?
this child is stupid because if she noticed that is a sharpie
Oh god… perfect eyebrows.
Can you do the bubble gum challenge where you try to chew as much baubble
gum you cand and than u try to blow the biggest bubble
0:44 you know cause I’m good at everything
1 thing i could say bout this video: eyebrows on fleek!
She should have used a mirror when she did this
I love the color green like her
No you use the mirror
You don’t know your body cause it is all over your face and who ever your
talking to is so liying
Dont worry about the haters because your beautiful the way you are you dont
need make up to look good or lip stick so if your hair not long show it of
and say i love my hair the way it is to the haters and walk away because it
your life not theres anyways have a wonderful day.
that’s your natural because it seems everything is fucked up
That hair doesn’t suit your face
Lol and u wonder why us normal people got get them done
Permanent marker comes off very easily with soap and water and a towel
Plz don’t tell me that, that is a permanent marker. And is this a joke cuz
that is not how to do it right u not suppose to use a marker cuz it is
gonna look all dark and not real
Wow glozell
Wat u thot
one quick tip you can get cancer from sharpie if you put it on your skin
WOW!!!!! JUST WOW!!!
She has green freaking braids seriously lol
How did she get it off her face. And she people look crazy with their eye
Luv The Hair
is this real?