How to Draw a Lion Head

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A step by step video on drawing a simple lion head. Please message or
comment if there is something you would like to learn how to draw.


Aaron Woo says:

awesum drawing i <3 it can u draw a tiger head plz?

Glacia The Wolf says:

Fun fact about lions: You can tell the age of a lion by the color of its

Renesmee Cullen says:

I’m going to try to draw a chibi lion with this mane because the Gryffindor
lion has a mane and right now I’m working on the four Hogwarts house artist
trading card set 4 cards one per house. 

vanessa mulya says:

Cool lion but could you show a video about a wolf or werewolf the head and
the body please and you make me very popular in school and also about the
character in a game called 5 night at Freddy please and also a monster a
very very cool Monster please OK thank you

Good Wolfcat says:

thanks for your tips Art ala Carte you have inspired me to go further

Rav Juss says:

Never watch this video 

UTunes says:

thats a happy lion very nice great video as well thanks
Can you show us how to draw a more aggressive looking lion please. 

Christian Erazo says:

Outstading gob :-)

Amber Allison says:

what shape are the eyes because I’ve tried million of times to get the
shape right and it never goes right!

MagicBubbles222 says:

I <3 lions thanks for the video

the weird crafter says:

thanks we need a banner and that is helpful

sosefina schneider says:

would u mind drawing a bear in one of your tutorials 🙂 thx i luv your

d gonzales says:


ShadowPawsITserver says:

OMG for the longest time mine was comming out wrong, but i kept watching
and trying and i found out what i did wrong 8D

Mackenzie Mersch says:

I love you so much! You’re an amazing drawer and you have helped me
tremendously in my drawing. I’m becoming so much better at drawing ever
since I watched your videos. Thank you.

Sophie Pinsler says:

can yo u draw a mermaid?

Celesta Animals says:

Can u do a dolphin

Wayna Faisal says:

I was wondering if you could make a video on how to draw a character from a
loved show like Adventure time or Doctor Who?

Grace Barnes says:

Labrador face please

Sophia Wolf says:

Amazing results thx

Christopher Williams says:

Animal Rights!!!!!!! Do you think Lion’s are drawing People?!? Huh?!?!?!
Do Ya?!?!?!?!?!?

Fadime Sparrow says:

Thank you so much! I’ve always wanted to be an artist. I’m 9 and my parents
love my drawing so much I nearly cried! Thank you thank you thank you!! ^.^

Wayna Faisal says:

Awesome thanks a lot!

ShadowPawsITserver says:

Sorry for the double post but i have a fun fact 8D

You can tell the age of a lion by the color of its nose it will turn from
pink to black

Orea Oreo says:

your amazing bu my lion is boz eyed :(

Celestiepie Gough says:

The older they get, the sagier the jaws and lips, the main really looks the
same accept they get a big main when adults:)

Orea Oreo says:

oh p.s. can you draw like the witch from narnia AKA the lion the witch and
the wardrobe 😉 ?

Sabeena Bal says:

Thank you soooo much! This was a very helpful video.

Jennifer Ballesteros says:



could you draw a lion’s whole body please, It would be really helpful to
me. Thx

Equiijamie YT says:

the place where whiskers come out is called a Macrovibrissae :D

Leah dawn Pearson says:

You rock!!!! And I was wondering if u could do one of how to draw people
mouths eyes and lips and nose? Thanks! And I will look often so I make sure
I see it :D. Thank you so much!!!!!

Miranda Mello says:

awesome! i love your step by steps, they help me so much! also, what kind
of pencil do you use? it looks really good for drawing!

Jenna Culp says:

this was awesome I made one for my dad and it turned out amazing <3
You awesome :)

Magda Sz says:

Megaskythekid, I think you’re the rudest person in the world. I bet u don’t
even draw half as good as Valerie does.

Pls don’t listen to rude people val, u make everything easy but amazing. Ur
my art teacher. I just love ur drawings. Keep drawing!!!

WolfLoverTV says:

Can you do a tutorial on how to draw a cheetah, please? Cheetahs are my
favorite wild cats!

Wolf lover2468 says:

Can you do a tutorial on a bratty little girl I can represent that as my

Jayden Pardue says:

so good :D

fiona kitchen says:

how to draw a cougar 

Devil Ducky says:


Dexter matethen says:

play this game dead frontier youll thank me

legorailway says:

Can you teach us how to draw a dinosaur?

Daisy Sanchez says:

megaskythekid don’t even comment you had to look up the video to be able to
draw it

Amber Shift says:


cian Mooney says:

Thank you

Aleyna . says:

What type of pencil do u use?

Majestic Budder says:

thanks that helped keep up he great work and more videos plz plz:)))))

BloodskitzRebel says:

Could you please do a video on how to draw a lioness? I can’t find a good
tut on one. ;-;

andi namani says:

qinu mor:E

Heartbeat4life1406 says:

Wow you make it look so easy to draw really cool things like that. I hope
that when i come to draw my lion it will turn out as good 🙂

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