Two Year Old Drawing Pictures. Cute Kid – Lilah

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See more videos: Funny video of Lilah drawing pictures. She has such a great imagination! Cute kid! vlog “Wow! That’s Big!” Two Year Old Drawing Pictures. Cute Kid – Lilah


Braiden Randall says:

Shes going to be an artist in her future.

Psycho Silts says:

😀 Awwww

Golden Bonnie says:

when she grow up she will be a better drawing like me this happed to me and
I was small I keep drawing so keep drawing ;D

snakey0427 says:

If you guys say “She’s so bad” Well she’s just a little girl

IndigoCat17 says:

Cute <3

fred guajaca says:

Fuck those 3 dislikes

Okkane14 says:

Haha I don’t get the drawings, but she’s sooo cute. I really wish that
someday I have a daughter, and I’m just 15 haha

MiMi's Brag Book says:

@Cupcakesforjin Thanks!!!!!! 🙂

MiMi's Brag Book says:

@TheSandyee21 Lilah will be two and a half on the 26th of this month. She’s
growing up so fast!

IndigoCat17 says:

She is gonna be an artist someday

x rose says:

I love to the background sound?

M.G. Bueno says:

Keep up the good work. My daughter started drawing when she was two, and
it’g getting better all the time.

HeyItsSam says:

Awwwww she is sooo cute!!! Almost 2 and a half shes getting so big!!!!! I
remember your video of her daddy scaring her and she was so little!!!!!!!!!!

al fish says:

It’s always amazing to see how creative Lilah is. I think two careers are
best suited for her when she grows up: Animator or animal activist.

Dj Rose says:


MiMi's Brag Book says:

@kickersXY Thanks!! 🙂

kickersXY says:

I’m a guy and I wish to have a daughter as cute as her one day. How very
cute. Crossfingers.

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