How To Draw a SKULL – (graffiti Character)

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XiaanOfficial says:

Cholowiz is a mexican guy, that guy is an african .-.

Matt Ramirez says:

What Song Is That Its Badass?

João marcos calixto says:

Verry nice

William O says:

fucking ugly

Tajae Ramos says:

What’s that beat called

Jorge Galvez says:

Eppppic keep doing

Arda Sahin says:

He should do it step by step

brett laera says:

do you think you can follow me on insta idk if you rember me but you drew
the pic of fey and now im dating her but can u follow me on insta

Jack Lesch says:

Nice work! Keep it up

Brandon Ram says:

mad out

Demon God says:

He’s a good artist

BTAP Viiper says:

Dope AF

shane cosgrove says:

mad suit

the thing says:

I drew skull-grafiti character

Devin Hernandez says:

100 th liker

Devin Hernandez says:

100 th liker

Eleen Donre says:


daniel armstrong says:


drewst13 says:


Andrew Moon says:

that must have taken some time

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