Drawing Myself in 5 Animated Styles

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Just a quick experiment! perhaps more in the future?
Awesome Music by FlashyGoodness! – http://store.flashygoodness.com/track/bonus-menu-remix

Full Drawings on my Facebook page – http://www.facebook.com/lewtoons


MyLittleNyanCat117 says:

You are not drawing them in the cartoon style. You are taking characters
and coping their body types. You are a grown man. You shouldn’t have Timmy
and dippers body type if you were in their world

Sierra Aiken says:

LOL! The Gravity Falls one: you look like a young Grunkle Stan. No lie, you
seriously REALLY DO. Cool. I wish I could draw like that.

Chibi Sketchbook says:

Aww Powerpuff Girls!

Skyla Mariee Armour says:

Total Drama, my little pony, frozen, mad, young justice, cloudy with a
chance if meatballs 

Ender Matter says:

He looks like a mini Grunkle Stan with his Gravity Falls artstyle xD

IPizzeria says:

On the gravity falls one, u look like u could be gruncle Stan’s son, or
dipper’s dad. Lll

juan miguel zaldariaga says:

Kid drinking a beer?! Wat the heck

Elitef4nboyer07 says:

I want a tablet but I need one that shows your drawing on the tablet, I
need to see where I am working. 🙁 Nobody else I know has this problem but
I want to put my art on my sketch pad on deviant art. Argh technology has
is confusing.

ash ala says:

That looks like a older version of Dipper

Athena Frost says:

n he said he cant draw

Syhan Wu says:

so it’s basically drawing the same characters but having similar
characteristics you possess eg. beard, glasses etc… this is not drawing
yourself in different art styles, not exactly anyways kudos though

Shain J Stino says:

223 people cant draw…
should that mean i should dislike?

Alexa Young says:

Number 3 i can draw a better one ON PAPER! But still i think number 3 would
have to be the best!

jose flores says:

what kind of tablet did he use?

Avery A says:

oh my gosh i had my fingers crossed for Gravity Falls and i literally
jumped when i saw it ^.^ 

Justify _ says:

I think it’s cool U can draw other people’s drawing styles 😮 ??? But for
Gravity falls I think u should have use Stanford Pines as ur model 🙂 !
Other than that u have talent !!!!

Kyle Allbright says:

Smash Bros Brawl music

#zack 74 says:

Do the cartoon network s:tyle
Amazing world of gumball and adventur time n uncle grandpa

Mr.BrewBrew says:

The Gravity Falls is my favorite!

Mazy Clark says:

U should make a playlist for the “draw myself” series

Emalie C. says:


SilS says:

what program is that?

Kim Lightsey says:


Glenda Ortiz says:

how are you drawing so good in flash..what are your setting?? i have a
tablet and i just cant get it right!

Rebekka Bundgaard says:

you did really good, i think they turned out pretty good :D

Saul Goodman's Bae xD says:

that looks like so much fun… 

Zero says:

Is this guy a vsauce clone or something lmao

Livvy Mae says:

I was hoping he would do Gravity Falls! :D

Rainbow "Loyal" Dash says:

my little pony! pwease *goes on knees* pweeessseee o3o

BlueSlime _ Gaming2001 says:

I’ve actually drawn myself as their art style for Gravity Falls….. But I
drew myself like one of the teens and not on a drawing pad! 

Gravity Falls fan and a Gamer of Nintendo says:


Mihnea Alex says:

I dont know why he likes drinking to many alcohol

Anna Katharina says:

8 bit melee music intro??

Bill Ralens says:


niall cane says:

Try SouthPark 

megisapokemon says:

this is so fun and awesome 😀
you need to make a guest appearance on everything XD

lefteris fount says:

What’s the name of the program? 

Vyggo Lux says:

that background music from super smash bros sounds so awesome this way.

Gino Bwan says:

what program are you using?

ShekinaBodhisattva says:

Do dragon ball Z style ;D
C’mon! it’s a classic! :D

SmartR14 says:

Invader zim style

gameboyliam says:

dude your amazing how could you say your not

NicoClouds says:

love gravity falls you should work for disney

Britany Corrales says:

Pleas do “Steven Universe”

Neko Chan says:


Alicia Piatt says:

now i know more shows
they seem interesting

no sarcasm 

Ultra Tips says:

Digital art is alot faster and easier, therefore if you have a tablet it is
easy.But try traditional, it is much more fun and needs skills.

thierry klougbo says:

Can you also draw in MANGA style????

Melody Sheriff says:

Gravity Falls FTW 

Pro_Gam3r says:

Dipper is such a bean

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