Hopefully the audio is better on this one. I borrowed a mic from school. Anyway… So this is a video showing how to draw feet. Tools: Autodesk SketchBookPro Wacom Intuos3 12×9 Camtasia Studio For FREE [More]
Learn to draw w tree in pencil. This is the same tree I drew in pen and ink here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xJbDHSywryg It’s softer and maybe a bit easier. It takes practice to get to know what [More]
Shapes needed to draw a cartoon tree and how to add detail to your tree to make it look more realistic; learn tips, ticks and more for creating realistic cartoon drawings in this free online [More]
Visit http://thevirtualinstructor.com/how-to-draw-tree-colored-pencils.html for a more detailed breakdown of this process. Learn how to draw a realistic tree with Polychromos colored pencils in this tutorial. Polychromos pencils are oil-based colored pencils and behave slightly differently from [More]
How to Draw a tree that spirals as a part of drawing landscapes and scenery. This tutorial provides simple but effective tips on drawing a spiraling tree using pen and ink shading techniques and variation [More]
http://www.marcellobarenghi.com MUSIC: “Motivational And Uplifting Notes” by Cinquequarti http://audiojungle.net/user/Cinquequarti http://www.cinquequarti.com/ Support my FACEBOOK page: https://www.facebook.com/MarcelloBarenghi 🙂 FOLLOW ME ON G+: https://plus.google.com/+marcellobarenghi FINAL PICTURE: http://www.marcellobarenghi.com/2014/06/a-bottle-of-oddka-vodka-drawing.html DRAWING TOOLS: http://www.marcellobarenghi.com/p/materials-used-for-my-drawing-video-on.html I also used my old airbrush for doing [More]
Red Bull Lends wings. 3D Art. How to draw a 3D Red Bull Can. Which one is the real thing and which one is the drawing? Amazing anamorphic illusion. Levitation Red Bull. Lends wings to [More]
SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/markcrilleySUBSCRIBE All 3 “Brody’s Ghost” books at Amazon: http://bit.ly/BRODYSGHOSTbooks “Mastering Manga” book at Amazon: http://bit.ly/MASTERINGMANGA All 4 “Miki Falls” books at Amazon: http://bit.ly/MIKIFALLSbooks Brody 1-Shot Comic at TFAW: http://bit.ly/BRODYoneshot OFFICIAL CRILLEY PLAYLIST: http://bit.ly/CRILLEYPLAYLIST All [More]
Hey guys! Here’s an anime eye tutorial as requested. There are many ways to do it, and I choose this one since is one of the most popular styles I do. And of course, you [More]
Sorry I’m not that pro dudes judge mildly please and I hope this video helped